Even after a lot of revelations were made, the viewers & houseguests both were still confused about what was happening. Viewers then learned that they could vote for one of these three contestants via the CBS website. Moreover, BB24 host Julie Chen did warn these three that they might not be safe this week, unlike Joe. However, they also won’t be able to compete in any competitions or vote against a contestant this week. Being a part of the Backstage, they won’t be nominated this week.

These selected players were Brittany Hoopes, Alyssa Snider, & Paloma Aguilar. In a bid to play fair, he picked three players that performed the worst in the premiere day’s HOH challenges. He also has the power to choose any three players that will join him backstage. However, he cannot compete in the week’s challenges and doesn’t have the right to vote on eviction night. As per Big Brother Access, this unique backstage pass is accompanied by a few perks but also some possible drawbacks. Joe Pucciarelli had the ‘Lucky Ticket’ granting him access to a backstage pass. However, he isn’t the only housemate who has to make significant decisions on Big Brother 24 premiere night. Now, Daniel holds a lot of power this week. All these challenges led to Daniel Durston taking charge as the Head of the Household. These fun challenges involved sticking earrings to their faces, hanging on T-shirts, and answering questions. Daniel Durston Becomes Head Of Household For The Week

After the intro videos, the housemates were quickly asked to compete in several challenges. These are the faces you will be watching all summer long. By now, fans have also started picking their favorites. The July 6 Premiere of Big Brother 24 introduced fans to new and enthusiastic houseguests.